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The Bureau of Investigative Journalism



Book, Newspaper and Magazine publishing

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About us

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that holds power to account. Founded in 2010 by David and Elaine Potter, we tackle big subjects through deep reporting that uncovers the truth. We tell the stories that matter.

We rely on donations to fund our work. Click here to make a contribution.

Our mission: Journalism driving change

We believe investigative journalism plays a key role in keeping democracy strong, power accountable and societies more just. That is why we focus on in-depth, rigorous investigations that can make a real difference at a global, national or local level.

We look beyond the short term news agenda, and the need to generate clicks. Instead we take time to dig deep, led by the facts not by political or corporate agendas. We do not cower from difficult stories and we seek to listen to voices that are often overlooked.

Our motivation is to drive change. This means we go beyond just words on a page to work directly with those who can use what we reveal to make a difference in the world.

Our values

Just: We are committed to pursuing what is right. We act with integrity and fairness to bring injustice to light.

Honest: We deal plainly and truthfully with each other and what we uncover. We reveal the truth even when it is uncomfortable.

Courageous: We aim to break new ground. We are ambitious, tenacious and innovative.

Inclusive: We seek to build equity. We embrace diversity, different experiences and perspectives.

Collaborative: We believe people are stronger when they work together. We take a collective approach to how we tackle problems, share skills and enable change.

Support us

Right now, public interest journalism is more vital than ever. Trust and truth are under threat and your support is needed to keep quality reporting alive.

Help us to continue doing powerful reporting that scrutinises, questions, reveals and informs. Make a donation today.

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