Creative Access
Learn More: Creative Access Career Development Bursary

Learn More: Creative Access Career Development Bursary

locationUnited Kingdom
ExpiresExpires: 08/10/2024
Multiple industries
Application RestrictionsBlack, Asian and Ethnically Diverse | Lower Socio-Economic Status | Disabled | Undergoing gender reassignment

Deadline to sign up for the webinar: Tuesday 8th October at 5pm

Event date and time: Wednesday 9th October, 1-2pm, on Zoom


Want to apply for our Career Development Bursary but feeling stuck on your application? Perhaps you’re wondering whether you’re eligible or if you should even apply. We’re here to answer all your questions! Join our exclusive Learn More session on Wednesday 9th October.  

The bursary, which is generously supported by our partners WME and McLaren Racing, aims to help alleviate some of the financial barriers that may be impacting your ability to access or progress your creative industries career. In the session, you’ll get the inside scoop on how to perfect your application, learn what we’re looking for and find out how the bursary can support your career!  

Over the past three years, we’ve awarded bursaries ranging from £250 to £1,000 to more than 120 talented individuals from under-represented groups in the creative industries, helping them access resources such as driving lessons, laptops, camera equipment, and more. And the next recipient could be you.  


In this session, you will: 

  • Discover the details of the bursary including what we’ll fund and who can apply
  • Get insights into the application process and hear our top tips for a strong application
  • Hear inspiring stories of previous bursary recipients 
  • Ask any questions you might have 


Find out more about the Creative Access Career Development bursary here. Applications close on Monday 4th November at 9am.  

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